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Red Jasper Freeform Jasper Heart

This Red Jasper Freeform Jasper Heart is 4cms wide, 5cms long and 2cm deep with a flowing form. More like art!

Red jasper is a type of jasper that is often used for grounding, stability, and strength. It is said to have a calming and stabilizing effect on the emotions, and is believed to help with issues related to the root chakra, such as fear, anxiety, and worry.

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This Red Jasper Freeform Jasper Heart is 4cms wide, 5cms long and 2cm deep with a flowing form. More like art!

Red jasper is a type of jasper that is often used for grounding, stability, and strength. It is said to have a calming and stabilizing effect on the emotions, and is believed to help with issues related to the root chakra, such as fear, anxiety, and worry.

Red jasper hearts are often used in crystal healing and meditation practices to promote a sense of grounding and centeredness. Here are some common properties associated with red jasper hearts:

  • Grounding and stabilizing: Red jasper is believed to have a grounding and stabilizing effect, which can help with anxiety, stress, and fear. It is said to promote a sense of security and stability, and to help with feelings of restlessness or disconnection.
  • Strength and vitality: Red jasper is also associated with strength and vitality, and is believed to help with issues related to physical energy and stamina. It is said to promote physical health and wellbeing, and to help with issues such as fatigue, low energy, and lack of motivation.
  • Root chakra activation: Red jasper is commonly used to activate and balance the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with feelings of safety, security, and grounding, and is said to be the foundation of our energy system.

Overall, red jasper hearts are often used for their grounding, stabilizing, and energizing properties, and can be a helpful tool for promoting a sense of balance and wellbeing in daily life.

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