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Blue Lace Agate Heart – Raw NZ

This is a stunning raw Blue Lace Agate Heart from the South Island of New Zealand. Blue lace agate has been hard to get from sources from outside New Zealand and I am delighted that we have such lovely specimens from the South Island. You can look into this heart and see chambers of secrets!!!

10cms wide x 10cms long x 2.5-4.5 cms deep, it has been sliced out of the original agate and I had given it a brief hand polish.

Spiritual meaning of blue lace agate is centered around its ability to promote calmness, clear communication, and inner peace.

Blue lace agate hearts are believed to hold the same spiritual properties as regular blue lace agate stones, with the added symbolism of the heart shape. In spirituality, the heart is often associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing.

This is a stunning raw Blue Lace Agate Heart from the South Island of New Zealand. Blue lace agate has been hard to get from sources from outside New Zealand and I am delighted that we have such lovely specimens from the South Island. You can look into this heart and see chambers of secrets!!!

10cms wide x 10cms long x 2.5-4.5 cms deep, it has one cut from the original agate with a raw state back, I had given it a brief hand polish.

Blue lace agate is a type of chalcedony mineral that is often associated with spiritual and metaphysical properties. In the realm of spirituality, blue lace agate is believed to have a calming and soothing energy that can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Some people also believe that blue lace agate has a connection to the throat chakra, which is associated with communication, self-expression, and speaking one’s truth. It is believed that wearing or carrying blue lace agate can help to open and activate this chakra, allowing for clear communication and the expression of one’s true feelings.

In addition, blue lace agate is thought to promote inner peace, tranquility, and a sense of calm. It is often used in meditation and spiritual practices to promote a deeper sense of relaxation and to help connect with one’s inner self.

Overall, the spiritual meaning of blue lace agate is centered around its ability to promote calmness, clear communication, and inner peace.

Blue lace agate hearts are believed to hold the same spiritual properties as regular blue lace agate stones, with the added symbolism of the heart shape. In spirituality, the heart is often associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing.

Therefore, a blue lace agate heart is thought to help open and activate the heart chakra, which is associated with these qualities. This can lead to a greater sense of emotional balance, increased empathy, and a deeper connection with others.

Additionally, the heart shape of a blue lace agate heart can also represent the energy of unconditional love and self-love. It is believed that by meditating or carrying a blue lace agate heart, one can cultivate greater self-acceptance and love for oneself, which in turn can radiate outwards to others.

Overall, the spiritual meaning of a blue lace agate heart is centered around promoting love, compassion, emotional healing, and self-acceptance.

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